Welcome to the News Home Page. Here you can find past and current Utah Society Newsletters, and links to electronic National SAR Newsletters and Magazine. We hope you enjoy learning more about the Utah Society and National SAR.
The Utah Patriot Newsletter – Connect to the current and past issues of our semi-annual Utah Society Sons of the American Revolution newsletter.
The NSSAR Veterans Bugle Newsletter – This is the newsletter of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution Veterans Recognition Committee. [You may need to be logged into the National SAR website in order to access some of the pages. Scroll down the page for past issues.]
The NSSAR Color Guardsman Newsletter – This is the newsletter of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution Color Guard Committee. Here you will find news and reports concerning color guard activity throughout the various Societies of the National SAR. [You may need to be logged into the National SAR website in order to access some of the pages. Scroll down the page for past issues.]
The SAR Magazine – This is the quarterly National SAR Magazine for the entire Sons of the American Revolution organization.
NSSAR Annual Congress – A glimpse of the Lancaster, PA Congress.