SAR Application Fees and Annual Dues

The initial joining fee is actually a small price to pay to cover the cost of genealogical verification of your application, processing and archival costs. The one time membership application fee opens the door to several distinct benefits that more than satisfy the value you would want to have for the cost of joining. 

Read about the benefits here: Why Join the SAR

Application Fee (18 and over)

  • National – $150 ($100 Application fee plus $50 National dues)
  • Utah – $45 ($30 application process fee plus $15 Utah Society dues)
  • Total – $195
    (These fees are as of 3/08/2024 and are for a one adult application.)
    If you’d like to purchase the SAR Rosette to wear on your lapel add $15 for each new member application.

Application Fee – Junior Membership (under 18)

  • National – $105 ($100 application fee plus $5 dues) – for undocumented patriot
    National – $45 ($40 application fee plus $5 dues) – for previously documented patriot
  • Utah – $15 dues 

If there are additional family members who wish to join at the same time (all applications processed and submitted together) the additional application fee is $90.

Contact John Arnold for information regarding fees for Junior Members (18 years and under) and the processing of multiple applications for family members at the same time.

Individuals who join on an approved line that are under the age of 18 will join as a Junior Member with an application processing fee of $60!

Annual National and Utah SAR Dues:
Adult Member: National $50 + State $15 = Total: $65
Junior Members: National $5 + State $15 = Total: $20
Dues are payable by January 1st of each calendar year.


For more information or assistance, please contact:

Paul Nichols – E-Mail: