Eagle Scout Recognition Certificate

You Can Recognize An Eagle Scout?

Are you the father, grandfather, uncle or relation of a young person soon to earn their Eagle Scout Award? Are you involved with Scouting as a Scout leader? Do you know of a young person in your church or neighborhood that will be earning their Eagle Scout? Did you know that as a current dues paying member you can obtain an official Sons of the American Revolution Eagle Scout recognition certificate and present it to an Eagle Scout at their Eagle Court of Honor.

All you have to do is use the contact form below to contact the Utah SAR Secretary and let him know of the Eagle Scout you wish to recognize. The certificates are only $2.50 (as of 11/2014) and available to any member of good standing.

Help your Eagle Scout to have an even more meaningful and special Court of Honor by presenting them with the National SAR Eagle Scout Certificate.

If you would like more information about about obtaining a National SAR Eagle Scout Recognition Certificate, please contact Wade Alexander, Program Chairman, [email protected].